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Can You Get A Dental Crown Without A Root Canal?

It’s common for people to need a dental crown following a root canal procedure, particularly if the cavity or infection was severe.

But are dental crowns even necessary without a root canal? What cases might require this type of dental prosthetic?

Find answers in this short blog post from Douglas G. Hope, DDS, FAGD.

What Is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are caps used to cover a badly damaged tooth. The role of a crown is to restore a natural tooth to its full function and appearance, effectively preventing a permanent tooth extraction.

A crown is usually recommended when the tooth root is healthy and can be saved. They are made from porcelain, metals, or a combination of materials.

Most crowns are made in a lab based on a mold of the patient’s mouth. It can take a few weeks for the custom crown to be ready, but modern dentistry also offers same-day crowns that are ready in just a few hours. 

Why Do You Need a Crown After a Root Canal?

Root canals aim to remove all infected tissue from a tooth. But once the bacteria is removed, the tooth is left with a permanent hole.

Not all patients need a crown after a root canal. Sometimes, a dentist can restore the tooth with a dental filling. But if the infection was severe, it likely meant the tooth lost a lot of tissue. A crown is therefore the best way to give the patient their complete smile back. 

Other Cases When You Might Need a Dental Crown

A root canal is a common scenario when patients might require a dental crown, but it’s not the only one.

A dentist could recommend getting a crown any time the natural tooth’s crown is badly damaged or as part of another restoration procedure. These cases can include:

  • Large chips or cracks: If your tooth is badly cracked or chipped, a dental crown can be restored. In these cases, you don’t need to drill the tooth apart from resizing it to fit the crown
  • Dental bridge: If you have a missing tooth, a dental bridge may be a good solution for you. In this case, two teeth will serve as the anchors, and each will get fitted for dental crowns
  • Cosmetic issues: If the tooth is damaged and has cosmetic issues like bad staining or discoloration, dental crowns can be a good way to improve its look and get an even smile.

Dental Crowns at Douglas G. Hope, DDS, FAGD

If you need a dental crown, you won’t have to wait weeks for it. Our Escondido dentist Dr. Douglas Hope is trained in using CEREC technology and can help you get a customized same-day dental crown in just a few hours.

Contact us to schedule a same-day dental crown consultation at Douglas G. Hope, DDS, FAGD online, or call (760) 480-8883 for more information.

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