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Can Veneers Turn Yellow?

You look in the mirror and notice that your smile simply doesn’t look as white as before. But, you have dental veneers, so you have one big question now: 


Can Veneers Turn Yellow? 

Yes, veneers can get stained and turn yellow over time. And, yes, that’s true even in the case of porcelain veneers

Veneers, especially porcelain ones, are made of stain-resistant materials. So, they don’t stain as easily as natural teeth and have a long lifespan (over 15 years with proper care.)

That said, veneers don’t last forever and in time you may notice stains or discoloration. Your lifestyle can also affect the longevity and appearance of veneers. Habits that can stain your veneers include: 


  • Smoking
  • Consuming certain foods and drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, tomatoes, and berries
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Aging (veneers can become more porous and likely to stain as they age) 


Can You Whiten Veneers? 

If your veneers are turning yellow, you may be tempted to opt for a teeth whitening treatment  to revamp their color. Unfortunately, veneers don’t respond to whitening treatments. 

Whitening treatments work on natural teeth because the bleaching agent can penetrate the enamel and remove staining molecules. However, because veneers (or crowns and fillings) are not as porous as natural teeth, the whitening agent can’t penetrate the material and remove any stains. 

So, if your veneers have become stained or discolored, your dentist may be able to clean and polish them to remove surface stains. But, if the discoloration is significant or if you’re unsatisfied with the color of your veneers, you may need to replace your veneers altogether to enhance your smile. 


How to Keep Your Veneers White for Longer 

While veneers will eventually stain or get damaged and need to be replaced, you can maximize their lifespan by: 

  • Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene: Brush at least twice a day and floss daily. This will help remove plaque and prevent tartar build-up which can lead to staining.
  • Avoiding Abrasive Toothpaste: Some kinds of toothpaste, especially whitening ones, can be too abrasive and scratch the surface of veneers, making them more susceptible to staining. 
  • Avoiding Staining Foods and Drinks: As we said, highly pigmented foods and beverages can lead to staining over time. If you do consume them, use a straw or rinse your mouth with water afterward to minimize the risk of staining.
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Going to Regular Dental Check-Ups: Regular dental visits can help keep your veneers in great shape. Your dentist can professionally clean and polish your veneers and address any potential issues early.

Enhance Your Smile Today 

Whether you are looking for a way to revamp your old veneers or are interested in other cosmetic dental treatments, our Escondido dentist,  Dr. Douglas G. Hope DDS, FAGD, can help you revamp your smile.

Contact us online to request your appointment. You can also call us directly at (760) 480-8883 and tell us more about what you need.

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