If you’ve recently gotten full or partial dentures from the office of Dr. Douglas G. Hope, you may be wondering how to adjust to your new smile. Ultimately, getting used to dentures takes time, and there are no shortcuts. But there are still a few things you can do to set yourself up for success! Read on, and we’ll give you a few of our top tips.
1. Prepare For A Learning Curve And Set Realistic Expectations
You’re not going to be tearing into steak and other tough foods in just a few weeks after getting new dentures. Getting dentures means that you’re going to have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle, and it’s important to have realistic expectations.
Be patient. Your dentures will feel strange at first. You need to get used to how it feels when you speak, chew, and eat. You may feel some pain and discomfort. You may feel frustrated. But with patience, you’ll get used to your new smile, and you will eventually be able to go back to your normal, day-to-day routine.
2. Let Yourself Take Breaks From Your Dentures
It’s okay to take your dentures out every couple of hours when you first start to wear them. Your gums and jaws will still be getting used to them, so feel free to take breaks when you need to. As you continue to wear them for longer, you’ll start to feel more confident, and you won’t feel as much discomfort.
3. Set Up A Facial “Workout Plan”
Doing some basic facial exercises before you get dentures can help you prepare for your new smile. The muscles of your jaw and face will have to adjust to your new dentures, and strengthening them and preparing them means you’ll set yourself up for success. Ask Dr. Hope about facial exercises, and he can help you set up a facial “workout plan.”
4. Start With A Diet Of Softer Foods And Work Toward Harder Foods
Once you’ve got your dentures, you should eat softer foods for a little while, and take small bites. You’ll need to work up to taking larger bites and eating tough or hard foods, like steak or crusty baguettes. So take things slowly at first. Once you feel comfortable eating smaller bites and softer foods, you can add more difficult foods back into your diet.
5. Practice Speaking By Doing Some At-Home Karaoke
Until you’re adjusted to them, dentures can make your speech sound a bit different. One great way to get used to your dentures is by singing at home! Singing makes you speak more slowly, and focus on the movements of your mouth as you speak. This can help you get used to how it feels to form certain words or sounds with your new dentures.
6. Follow Up As Scheduled With Your Dentist
You’ll typically come back to our office for a few follow-ups after your appointment. Dr. Hope will check your mouth for sores and irritation, discuss how your dentures feel, and determine if any adjustments need to be made to your new smile. Make sure you don’t miss any follow-ups at our office.
7. Make Sure You’re Caring For Your Dentures Properly
Dr. Hope will give you instructions on how to care for your dentures. You’ll need to brush them, take them out and soak them overnight, and take other steps to keep them in good condition. Make sure you always follow these instructions. Poor denture care can lead to warping, a higher risk of gum sores and infections, and lots of other complications.
Do You Need Dentures In Escondido? Come To Our Office Today!
At the office of Dr. Douglas G. Hope, we specialize in dentures in Escondido and Vista. Whether you need to replace just one or two missing teeth or a full mouth of teeth, we’ll be with you every step of the way. A better smile is just a click or a call away, so contact us online or give us a call at (760) 480-8883 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hope today.
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